Donate A Gate

Donate a Gate, allows you to sponsor a gate or stile on Exmoor for a contribution of £295 to our CareMoor for Exmoor scheme. For every contribution we will add a simple engraved aged bronze plaque in a discreet place (such as the inside edge of the gate post) on your chosen gate or stile. You can see an example here (PDF). You choose the wording for the plaque in memory of a loved one, or in celebration of a special occasion.

To make a Donate a Gate dedication:

  1. View the map here to identify the gates and stiles currently available to support. Click on the brown icons on the map to find out more about the item and its location.
  2. Choose your gate/stile and make a note of the reference number. This is important as it helps us identify the gate and provides the reference throughout the dedication process.
  3. Please read our Terms & Conditions to learn all about the scheme and what we are able to offer.
  4. Once you have chosen your gate/stile, noted the reference number and read the Ts&Cs, get in touch by phone or email to request your dedication, using the contact details below.

For further information or to discuss further, please contact us by email: or call 01398 323665 and ask for CareMoor Dedications (Donate a Gate).